Let’s ignore her personality – Let’s look her record

When the Right goes after Kamala Harris for her laughing, her boisterous personality, her salacious past, or her word salad speeches it is missing the opportunity to look at the politician rather than the person. For many people her upbeat character is a plus. Her unfocussed soundbites are compared with Trump’s long speeches. Her messy life reflects many of her voters’.

It is important that American knows what Kamala Harris stands for. This ad shows us, in her own words how progressive she is. Every liberal shibboleth has been embraced. Defund police? Check. End energy independence? Check. Ban red meat? Check. Open borders? Check.

A guide to talking about Kamala. Don’t talk about her personality. Talk about what she’s done.


Here are four things about Kamala that swing state voters will care to know:

1) She is deeply hostile to American energy, calling to ban fracking and off-shore drilling.

2) She had no interest in securing our southern border, even when it was made her unique responsibility.

3) She fully supported Biden’s policy of making gender medical transition *more accessible* to minors and Biden’s push to include males in girls’ sports.

4) In June of 2020, she urged her supporters to post bail for BLM rioters, even tweeting payment link.

But here are four attacks on Kamala that will backfire disastrously:

1) She is a dumb “DEI hire.”

2) She’s a slut who used sex to get ahead.

3) She has an awkward laugh and a goofy dance.

4) She locked up too many people for drug offenses.

Each of the above attacks will bring her sympathy, make her more relatable, more moderate seeming, and energize her voters.

Republicans should avoid taking strategic advice from those who make their living stirring outrage among extremely online Trump die hards.